Following a recent stampede at Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra, Western Railway has issued a new order. The railway has stated that if passengers carry luggage exceeding the permissible limit for their respective travel class, they will be fined. The railway has also urged people to avoid overcrowding at stations.
New Guidelines
Western Railway announced in a statement on Tuesday, “The railway allows each passenger to carry a certain amount of luggage free of charge during their journey. However, items larger than 100 centimeters in length, 100 centimeters in width, and 70 centimeters in height, including scooters and bicycles, will not be permitted to be carried free of charge.”
“Adhere to the Set Luggage Limit”
The statement further emphasized, “Western Railway urges all passengers to avoid overcrowding at stations and to enter the premises only when necessary, according to the train schedule, and to comply with the prescribed luggage limits.”
Duration of the Order
Western Railway has appealed to all passengers to adhere to the rules regarding the maximum limit of free luggage. The statement noted that the free allowances vary for different classes of travel. If luggage exceeds the free allowance, fines will be imposed accordingly. This directive is effective immediately and will remain in place until November 8.
Increase in Parcel Booking During Festive Season
There has been a notable increase in parcel bookings during the festive season, especially at parcel offices in Bandra Terminus, Vapi, Valsad, Udhna, and Surat. To ensure passenger safety, directives have been issued to prevent long-term storage of parcel shipments on platforms before the scheduled departure of trains.
Incident Report
On Sunday, during the boarding of the Antyodaya Express train to Gorakhpur at Mumbai’s Bandra Terminus, a stampede injured 10 people. Western Railway has already imposed a temporary ban on the sale of platform tickets at select major stations, which will remain effective until November 8. (Photo: Amar Ujala)